Friday, July 12, 2013

Mushroom Burger

Hi. I am on leave today. Clearing my last year's carried forward leaves. Today's Friday and being a Hindu, I am on vegetables. My wife and the kids are at school. Instead of going for a banana leave lunch at the local Indian restaurant, I decided to do my own lunch. I love mushrooms and today I decided to mushroom burgers, just for myself.

Mushroom burgers are so easy to make. And they are pretty delicious too. I just want to share the recipe with you.

Shiitake mushrooms in a can, 1/2 mid sized union chopped finely, 1/2 tablespoon of pepper, salt and oregano. Mixed them well.
 Fry them in a pan for 20 minutes.
Prepare the burger buns with lettuce, some Mayo, tomato. Put the mushroom in the burger buns. Viola! You have great tasting mushroom burgers. Super healthy - if you use whole meal buns like I did and discount the Mayo.

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