Friday, July 12, 2013

Mushroom for Lunch

Hi. Last Friday I was on leave too and I did button mushroom dish for my lunch. It was fantastic, delicious and absolutely filling. I added some carrots and sweet corn to make a complete meal.

It's really simple to make. Same ingredients like the previous mushroom dish I made. 1 can of button mushroom, 1/2 mid sized union chopped finely, 1/2 tablespoon of pepper, salt and oregano each. Oregano is simple good and smells wonderful on any dish.
Mix them well.

 Cook them in the pan for half an hour. 

Cut carrots into long strips and fry them lightly in the pan with cooking oil until they become a little soft. 

Heat the corn from the can.
Serve the mushrooms on Romaine Lettuce along the carrots and corn. Perfect & satisfying vegetarian lunch.

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